News & Announcements

  • Barr State Assessment Information

    March 24, 2025

    Dear Parents and Guardians,

    The New York State Grades 3-8 English Language Arts (ELA), Mathematics and Science assessments will be administered to students over the next several months. These assessments are designed to measure how well students are mastering the learning standards that guide classroom instruction and are a valuable tool to help ensure students have the support needed to be successful. New York State has worked to improve the assessments over the past several years. The improvements include no time limit, more questions written by classroom teachers, and improved reports for parents. You can read about all of these improvements on the New York State Department of Education website.  

    Since we will be participating in computer based testing, grade levels will test on different days. You will find testing date information below, by grade level.  

    *We will run a regular 7:39 am - 2:32 pm schedule on all testing days.

    *We will run a regular 7:39 am - 2:32 pm schedule on all testing days

    5th grade

    ELA - Monday, April 7th and Tuesday, April 8th

    Math - Tuesday, May 6th and Wednesday, May 7th

    Science - Wednesday, May 14th

    6th grade

    ELA - Monday, April 7th and Tuesday, April 8th

    Math - Tuesday, May 6th and Wednesday, May 7th

    7th grade

    ELA - Wednesday, April 9th and Thursday, April 10th

    Math - Thursday, May 8th and Friday, May 9th

    8th grade

    ELA - Wednesday, April 9th and Thursday, April 10th

    Math - Thursday, May 8th and Friday, May 9th

    Science - Wednesday, May 14th


    New York State is required by federal law to administer Mathematics and ELA (English Language Arts) assessments to every public school student in grades 3-8. The data generated from these assessments assists in identifying areas of growth and success for each individual student. A student who refuses to participate in the state assessments will be missing a data point used when planning to schedule academic support and honors courses.


    School districts, including Nanuet UFSD, have been negatively affected when students did not participate in the NYS Grades 3-8 ELA, Mathematics and Science Assessments. If 95% of students do not take the New York State assessments for Nanuet UFSD, the district risks being sanctioned or labeled a school in need of improvement. These tests are not tied to student grades on the report card. We ask that families please have their children participate in these assessments and encourage them to do their best.  If a student refuses to participate in the assessments, it is coded as a refusal and reported in this manner to New York State. 

    Please feel free to speak with your child’s teacher about any questions or concerns you may have.

    If you are refusing to have your child(ren) take the state assessment(s), please let the school know, in writing, no later than March 31, 2025. 

    For your planning convenience, we have included a color coded Barr assessment image.


    Michelle O'Sullivan

    Principal, A. MacArthur Barr Middle School

    A. MacArthur Barr Middle School
  • Raising the Barr Newsletter - MOST CURRENT EDITION

    Raising the Barr 03-21-25

    Previous editions are archived on the bottom right of the web page.  


    A. MacArthur Barr Middle School
  • New Communication System Parent Square

    The district has moved to a new communication system, called Parent Square, to send alerts out to parents, guardians and the community.  Follow this video to set notification and language settings in the app or website.  The Parent Square app can be downloaded from your app store.    Note:  The Parent Square system is synched with our eschool system, so it is VERY IMPORTANT you notify the district if you have had any changes in address, phone numbers or primary/emergency contacts.  

    A. MacArthur Barr Middle School
  • A MacArthur Barr Book Discussion Club for Parents/Guardians


    Join Us for our Barr Book Discussion Club

    Have you noticed your children spend more time looking at their phone than talking with you?

    Do they choose to play online games or scroll on digital devices instead of talking or participating in outside activities?

    Do they seem to have a short attention span or have difficulty with organization and task completion? 

    Do they seem moody when they are unable to access their technology devices?

    Did you answer yes to any of these questions?  If so, you are not alone!  

    Jonathan Haidt, the author of The Anxious Generation, wrote a whole book about some of these shared concerns. His book covers important information including the impact of smartphones on a child’s development, how technology has changed the concept of “play” and what all these mean to our growing children.

    We are hosting an informal book/discussion club where we will get together a few times to explore excerpts from this book, discuss how technology is affecting our children and their lives, and learn about the  recommended four steps we can try at home to help our children and ourselves, while also developing healthier relationships with each other and technology.


    A. MacArthur Barr Middle School
  • Girls Rock STEAM

    Saturday, March 29, 2025

    Event registration:

    All participants must be registered in advance. Registration is limited! Registration will close March 26.

    Girls Rock STEAM - Rockland

    A. MacArthur Barr Middle School
  • Home Access Information

    A. MacArthur Barr Middle School
  • News from Food Services - BREAKFAST AND LUNCH MEALS


    All students need healthy meals to learn! The Nanuet School District offers healthy meals (both breakfast and lunch) every school day. All students are eligible for ONE breakfast meal and ONE LUNCH meal per day. A second breakfast can be purchased @ $1.65 and a second lunch can be purchased @ $3.00. Assorted choice of milk is included in breakfast and lunch meals; water must be PURCHASED separately, see monthly menu for a la carte item prices.  

    Families are encouraged to complete the 2024-2025 Household Income Eligibility form. To apply, please complete this form found in the summer packet (these forms are mailed home prior to the first week of school) or online in the Food Service Department section of the district’s website.

    These forms have benefits beyond free meals. The forms might allow eligible families to have the following:

    -Fee Waivers for SATS & ACTS

    -Fee Waivers for College Application

    These forms also allow the district to apply for grants and classroom resources.

    Upon completion, please return the form to:

    -The main office of your child’s school

    -Or mail to:

    Ms. MaryAnn Gregor, Food Service Director

    Nanuet School District

    101 Church Street

    Nanuet, NY 10954

    A. MacArthur Barr Middle School
  • Join the Barr PTA

    A. MacArthur Barr Middle School
  • A. MacArthur Barr 2024-2025 Goals and Priorities Update Slides

    On March 11, 2025, the Barr team presented an update to the BOE, specific to the goals and priorities of the 2024-2025 year.  Our focus this year centered around communication and being literate across content areas, which are two specific areas found within the Portrait of a Graduate profile.  Click the link below to view the presentation slides.  You will also find a link on the last slide which takes you to a feedback form, which will be live until March 30, 2025.   We hope you enjoy the glimpse into some of high quality teaching and learning taking place at Barr! 

      2024-2025 Barr Goals and Priorities Presentation at the 3/11/24 BOE meeting

    A. MacArthur Barr Middle School
  • 2024-2025 A MacArthur Barr Clubs Listing

    Clubs for the 2024-2025 school year are in session!  Please see the Clubs document below and check our Upcoming Events bulletin board just off the main lobby for more information.  Students can join a club at any time during the year.  A club is a great way to make new friends or explore an interest.   

    A. MacArthur Barr Middle School
View More Posts

Upcoming Barr Events [CLICK CALENDAR BUTTON] ===>

  • BOE Total Budget Review and BOE Meeting @ NHS 7:30pm

    Nanuet Union Free School District
  • Snow Date/Founder's Day Dinner/NHS 6pm

    A. MacArthur Barr Middle School
  • Girls ROCK STEAM (Science) Event

    A. MacArthur Barr Middle School

    A. MacArthur Barr Middle School
  • Grades 5-6 NYS ELA Test

    A. MacArthur Barr Middle School
  • Barr PTA Meeting 7:30pm

    A. MacArthur Barr Middle School
  • Board of Education Meeting HS 7:30

    Nanuet Union Free School District
  • Grades 5-6 NYS ELA Test

    A. MacArthur Barr Middle School
  • Grades 7-8 NYS ELA Tests

    A. MacArthur Barr Middle School
  • Grades 7-8 NYS ELA Tests

    A. MacArthur Barr Middle School
View Monthly Calendar

Message from Principal O'Sullivan


Dear Barr Middle School Families,

As we enter the 3rd quarter,  it is a wonderful time for our students to set personal goals and work towards making a positive impact.  We are excited about several upcoming events at Barr Middle School that will help foster kindness, empathy, and school spirit in our community.

Setting Goals is a great way to start the new quarter! 

  • Academic - Where do you want to strengthen your learning?  What steps do you need to take to help yourself?  How can you connect with your teachers or guidance counselor to help you with your plan?
  • Organizational -  Do you keep your locker and folders organized so you can easily access all your materials? Do you use your planner to log assignments and due dates?  What steps do you need to take to help get yourself organized?  
  • Social -  How can you use your words and actions to show kindness and support for others at Barr?  What steps can you take to start the ripple effect, which means that one act of kindness can spread like a water ripple as others follow and complete their own acts of kindness.

All students should feel free to talk with their guidance counselor about setting goals and developing a plan to help reach those goals.   

Career Day will be held at Barr on March 7th.  The flyer, with sign up information, is found in the announcements section of this website.  Please consider coming to share information about your career and the pathway which led to what you do today.  

Each month, we change the quotes on our daily bulletin, which is online and displayed in the lobby.  We frequently remind the students about the quote and talk about ways to connect the quote to their lives.  Our newest quote is, "Nothing is impossible - the word itself says, "I'm possible."    Each Barr student is important to us and we enjoy learning about them, not just as students, but as unique individuals with strengths, goals, dreams, wishes, passions and personality!  It is important to us that our Barr students see they can make their goals possible with effort, dedication and support.  Thank you for sharing your children with us everyday!

Warmest regards,

Mrs. O'Sullivan (Principal), Mrs. Oates & Mr. Arvanites (Assistant Principals)







Raising The Barr Newsletter

At A. MacArthur Barr, we feel it is important for our families and community to feel connected to the rich learning taking place throughout the year.  We love to spotlight a variety of learning experiences, athletics, accomplishments, students, faculty, staff and so much more!  We encourage you to click the "Raising the Barr" newsletters below!  If there is something you would like to see included in a future edition, please give the Main Office a call at 845 627-4040!

Raising the Barr 03-21-25

Raising the Barr 03-07-25

Raising the Barr 02-14-25

Raising the Barr 01-31-25

Raising the Barr 01-17-25

Raising the Barr 12-20-24

Raising the Barr 12-13-24

Raising the Barr 11-27-24

Raising the Barr 11-15-24

Raising the Barr 11-01-24

Raising the Barr 10-25-24

Raising the Barr 10-11-24

Raising the Barr 09-27-24

Raising the Barr 09-13-24

School Information

A. MacArthur Barr Middle School Grades 5 - 8

143 Church Street

Nanuet, NY 10954

School Day 7:39 AM - 2:32 PM

Michelle O'Sullivan, Principal

Latoya Oates, Assistant Principal

Khris Arvanites, Assistant Principal   

Main Office    627-4040

Attendance    627-4420

Nurse's Office    627-4041

Guidance Office    627-4050

Quick Links